Highlights from Chicago Zinefest 2014: #21 Minus @MCA (nametag stickers)

Chicago Zinefest 2014

I returned a couple of days ago from the 2014 Chicago Zinefest. The experience was fulfilling in a multitude of ways. Anne and I enjoyed the familiar and had adventures.

We were able to spend time with my sister Nichole, her friend from Canada, Jessica, our mutual friend Bridget, and on several occasions, we were also able to connect with some old colleagues of Nichole’s we had met on previous visits.

The mixing of minds through communication was the most engaging component to the Saturday. Sneaker and spiked hair social networking. Some nearby tablers were keeping track of what back patches said. Distinguished by denim and leather.

We are waiting for the publication of that data.

Highlights from Chicago Zinefest 2014 is an incomprehensive list of people and ideas that I was able to remember.

#21 Minus

While at Chicago Zinefest, there are varied types of interactions with the eagle eyes from the streets. Some people never make eye contact, others won’t leave your table. Some blow by and give you a zine, or flyer, or pin, or other such media.


I was given the opportunity to thumb through a collection of 6 or so hand drawn nametag stickers. I chose the one above. This is the back of the individual sticker.


I really like the thin lines that define the space. A short play is hidden within this context. Let’s scene paint, shall we.

Two friends, sitting outside at a cafe while an early Spring sunset is drifting into the horizon. Only a sliver can be seen from their hard wire seats due to towering buildings and fences obstructing their view. They are safe. Breathing alternate breaths, trying to look past the other. Verbal silence.