Local Politics Update – 2015-02-19

Always something happening in and around Greater Lafayette.  Here are some of my updates for West Lafayette and beyond.
Action Opportunities
  • The Exploratory Committee is gathering again on February 26th at the West Lafayette Public Library from 6-8PM.  We will be discussing the local municipal elections, government transparency, and Sunshine Week programming.
  • Strategic Plan for West Lafayette Update:  As mentioned in the West Lafayette Connection, the City will be updating its Strategic Plan and looking for input. Don’t wait to be asked.  You can read the 2010 version here.
If you know of more, as I am sure you do, please let me know and I can add them here.

League of Women Voters – 2015 Annual Breakfast

Are you coming to the League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette Annual Breakfast? It’s a great time to meet and great other local political players, ask questions of your State legislators (listed below), and get your political energies flowing.

I attended last year’s (it’s the anniversary of when I made my Twitter account) and had a wonderful time.  Here’s this year’s press release:

The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette invites you to join us for our 2015 Annual Legislative Breakfast

February 21

Open to the public
MCL Restaurant & Bakery located at 
521 Sagamore Pkwy W, West Lafayette, IN

9:15 am  Continental breakfast; $10.00 at the door.
10:00 am    Program; no charge.

Program:  Seven legislators (Brown, Klinker, Truitt, Lehe, Negele, Alting, Hershman) of Tippecanoe County are invited to answer questions from the public on issues and bills  currently being discussed in the 2014 General Assembly.

Be a part of  Making Democracy Work!

Invite a friend to
· meet legislators,
· ask questions, and
· see the League in action!

Your RSVP is helpful for planning purposes.  Please let us know if you will be joining us for breakfast & program or program only.  RSVP tobreakfast@leaguelafayette.org.

Walk-ins Welcome

The Exploratory Committee and Local Politics Update

A few updates:

The next Exploratory Committee is on February 26th, 2015 at the West Lafayette Public Library. 6-8PM. We’ll have coffee and some light snacks to fuel the political conversation and engagement with other local political entrepreneurs.

There is a full slate of City Council Democrats (press release with background info) running for office in West Lafayette, along with a smathering of Republicans running for re-election. There is also a registered Independent, Donnie Spencer, for District 3.

As of today:

Sana G Booker West Lafayette City Clerk Democrat
Dave Sturgeon West Lafayette City Council At-Large Republican
Steven R Dietrich West Lafayette City Council At-Large Republican
Gerald Thomas West Lafayette City Council At-Large Democrat
Nicholas DeBoer West Lafayette City Council D1 Democrat
Peter Bunder West Lafayette City Council D2 Democrat
Donnie Spencer West Lafayette City Council D3 Independent
Joelle Jones West Lafayette City Council D3 Democrat
Larry J Leverenz West Lafayette City Council D4 Democrat
Gerry J Keen West Lafayette City Council D5 Republican
Kathy Parker West Lafayette City Council D5 Democrat
Lois Haueisen West Lafayette City Council D6 Democrat
Lori Stein Sabol West Lafayette City Judge Democrat
John R Dennis West Lafayette Mayor Republican

We will also be planning some Sunshine Week activities at the West Lafayette Public Library March 15th-21st.

The iconic Family Express is asking for 3 sign variances at the upcoming February 25th BZA meeting.


Petitioner is requesting the following sign variances for a proposed gas station:

  • To permit 211.64 sq. ft. of total signage instead of the maximum permitted 124 sq. ft. (UZO 4-8-5);
  • To permit a maximum freestanding sign area of 83 sq. ft. instead of the maximum permitted 40 sq. ft. in the NB zone (UZO 4-8-6); and
  • To permit a 0’ setback from the right-of-way of Northwestern Avenue for a proposed 8’ high monument sign instead of the required 8’ (sign setback is equal to sign height) (UZO 4-8-6)

The development is located at 1107 Lindberg Road, where Lindberg and Northwestern intersect on proposed Lot 1 of the Northwestern Family Express Subdivision (S-4495). The site is located in West Lafayette, Wabash 18(NW)23-4.

More to come…stay tuned!

One person's venture into life.