Tag Archives: hackathon

MyIGA Hackathon 2014-03-22, a Success


I want to thank everyone who came out to yesterday’s MyIGA Hackathon at the West Lafayette Public Library.  Great people, wonderful ideas, and some good starts to solving some problems for the community.

Here is a copy of the presentation in PDF.  It contains some great links to other civic hacking projects and gives you an idea of how the day was structured.

MyIGA Hackathon – 2014-03-22 – Presentation

Our current focus project is an application that will allow a user to examine the differences in bill versions. Currently, you can see bills, as introduced, each amendment, and then each subsequent version.  You cannot compare bill versions to each other.

This should also be scalable to compare amendments to one another.

Once we get settled, we will be uploading the code to GitHub.

In coordination with other area technology groups, we plan on having a civic hacking presence for the community to participate in and enjoy.

I heard rumors there might be something going on downtown for the National Day of Civic Hacking.